Burning of Tokens

Solana wallet: 1nc1nerator11111111111111111111111111111111

As part of our unique approach known as the 'Jeeter Burn Tax,' 1% of every $PUPPY token transaction is burned daily. This daily event takes place in our Telegram community, welcoming both long-term and short-term participants. Regardless of their time commitment or individual wealth goals, all members contribute to the community wallet, emphasizing inclusivity and participation.

For every transaction throughout the day, Ai Puppy's base wallet collects all 3.5% 'transfer tax' withholdings. These funds are then auto-converted into Solana (SOL) tokens. Out of the collected $SOL tokens, 3% will be transferred to our community wallet:


2% of the wallet funds will be dedicated to development and promotion efforts. The remaining 1% of SOL in the wallet will be strategically repurchased from the open decentralized market (DEX) and used in ways that benefit the Ai Puppy community. Here are two examples illustrating how this mechanism can positively impact our token ecosystem:

Scenario 1: When $PUPPY tokens approach an all-time high for market capitalization but struggle to break through a price barrier due to sellers dumping at the top of the candle (resistance level), we can utilize the 1% of SOL in reserves that has been accumulated throughout the day. By purchasing a large buy order, this strategic repurchasing mechanism can help $PUPPY break through the price resistance barrier and force price discovery, potentially leading to significant burst upwards for the token.

Scenario 2: During periods of intense bear market activity where prices are rapidly declining, the allocated 1% of SOL in reserves within our community wallet (aipuppy.sol) can be effectively deployed to stop sellers from dumping $PUPPY tokens. By buying the dip, this mechanism helps alleviate panic-selling pressure among members and provides them with a sense of stability during turbulent market conditions.

Once the allocated 1% of daily funds has been utilized for strategic repurchases have been completed, the accumulated $PUPPY tokens in the community wallet will be transferred to their final destination, the burn wallet:


The Solana public address provided above consists of 44 characters, but it is inaccessible or irretrievable to everyone including the developer. The odds of correctly guessing a Solana public address corresponding private key are astronomically low. This is due to the sheer size of the cryptographic keyspace involved. To put it into perspective:

  1. Private Key Length: A Solana private key as 256 digits.

  2. Possible Combinations: Each digit in a Solana private key can be 0 or 1, so there are 2 options for each digit. If you multiply 2 by itself 256 times (because there are 256 digits), you get 2^256, which represents the total number of possible combinations.

  3. Size of the keyspace 2^256 is a massive number, roughly 1.1579 x 10^77. This means there are more than a billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion possible combinations.

Given this immense number, attempting to guess a Solana private key randomly is akin to trying to find one particular grain of sand on all the beaches in the world. It's practically impossible to achieve with current technology and resources. This high level of security ensures that the Ai Puppy's burn wallet tokens are safeguarded from unauthorized access or tampering.

Conclusion of a deflationary token:

The implementation of a 1% burn rate mechanism within the Ai Puppy token ecosystem has the potential to significantly drive positive price appreciation. This mechanism works by continuously converting $PUPPY tokens into SOL with every transaction carried out throughout the day. By strategically repurchasing $PUPPY tokens and then burning them daily from the community wallet to the dead wallet, the total available supply is reduced, which, in turn, leads to an increase in token price due to the resulting decrease in overall circulating supply.

Last updated